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‘We will definitely fight against Netanyahu, we will win’: father vows over child’s body

“We will definitely fight against Netanyahu, we will win” – recited a Palestinian mother with the body of her child. In the attack by Israeli forces in the Gaza Strip, her child has been killed. Her name is Salama Marouf. She is the head of the media office of the Hamas government, leading the Palestinian resistance movement in Gaza.

She exclaimed in front of the camera on Sunday, showing the body, “What you see is the truth.”

She said, “The Israeli leaders are doing this. They are killing these people and saying they are attacking ‘terrorists’. Look at this innocent child. Was he a threat to Israel?”

Israel carried out a deadly bombing in Gaza on Saturday night as well.

Newborns in Gaza face a life-threatening situation: UN

Newborns in the Gaza Strip are facing life-threatening risks. Due to the destruction of various hospitals and homes in Israeli attacks, women are giving birth on various roads in many cases, creating such situations. This information has been conveyed by several organizations of the United Nations through a joint statement.

Among the organizations providing joint statements are the UN Children’s Fund, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East, the United Nations Population Fund, and the World Health Organization.

The statement said, ‘It is believed that due to the lack of necessary care opportunities, maternal mortality will increase. In addition, the lives of newborns are hanging by a thread. If the necessary supplies in hospitals run out, the lives of around 130 children who rely on intensive care may be at risk due to the shortage of care services.’

These organizations of the United Nations have said, ‘There are about 50 thousand pregnant women in Gaza. More than 180 of them give birth every day. Among these women, 15 percent may face pregnancy or childbirth-related complications, and the need for additional medical care is evident.’

It was mentioned in the statement, ‘In Gaza, 14 hospitals and 45 primary health care centers remain closed. Many women are giving birth in various shelters, on the streets amidst the destruction of roadblocks, or in the face of the risk of infection. There is an increasing complexity in various forms in this situation.’

The United Nations has repeatedly warned that the medical facilities in Palestine are running according to their capacity. In this case, without supplying necessary fuel immediately, assistance to the people of the Gaza Strip may be discontinued very soon.

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