Govt takes elaborate programmes to observe National Mourning Day
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Govt takes elaborate programmes to observe National Mourning Day

The government has taken elaborate programmes to observe the 46th martyrdom anniversary of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and National Mourning Day on August 15 with due respect and solemnity, maintaining health guidelines.

As part of the programme, the national flag will be hoisted half-mast at the buildings of all government, semi-government, autonomous, educational institutions and private offices on the day, said an official handout here today.

Floral wreaths will be placed at the portrait of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in front of Bangabandhu Memorial Museum in the city and a munajat will be held there at 6.30 am on August 15.

The President and the Prime Minister will pay homage to the architect of the independence by placing wreaths at the portrait of Bangabandhu in front of Bangabandhu Memorial Museum at Dhanmondi Road No. 32 in the capital.

Guard of honour will be presented by the Armed Forces and prayers will also be offered.

Floral wreaths will also be placed at the graves of Bangabandhu’s martyred family members and other martyrs of August 15, 1975 at Banani Graveyard in the city and offering fateha and munajat will be held there at 7.30 am on the day.

Wreaths will be placed at the grave of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at Tungipara in Gopalganj district around 10 am. Fateha will be offered and a special doa will be held there maintaining social distancing.

The Prime Minister is expected to pay homage to the architect of the independence by placing wreath at the grave of Bangabandhu while guard of honour would also be presented by the Armed Forces.

To mark the National Mourning Day, special munajats will be offered at all mosques across the country after Johr prayers while special prayers will take place at all temples, churches, pagodas and other places of worship at convenient time.

Bangladesh Betar and Bangladesh Television will air special programmes in observance of the National Mourning day.

National newspapers and magazines will publish special supplements on the occasion.

Poster publication, its distribution and screening of documentary films on Bangabandhu will be made while necessary measures will be taken to place posters of National Mourning Day in important places including educational institutions or growth centers and those will be publicized through LED display board at different public places.

Posts and Telecommunication Division will send SMS by Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) to all mobile users describing the significance of the National Mourning Day.

Bangabandhu Memorial Museum may organize a lecture on the biography of Bangabandhu and National Mourning Day using virtual platforms on request of the educational institutions, Shishu Academy and such institutions.   

Discussions, poetry recitation, composition, painting competition, painting exhibition ,hamd-naat and doa-mahfil based on National Mourning Day will be arranged in all public and private primary schools, higher secondary schools, madrasahs, colleges, medical colleges and other educational institutions including universities.

In line with the national programmes, different ministries and divisions, departments and agencies including the Ministry of Primary and Mass Education, the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, the Ministry of Religious Affairs, the Ministry of Liberation War Affairs, the Ministry of Women and Children Affairs, the Ministry of Social Welfare, the Ministry of Cultural Affairs and Medical Education And Family Welfare Division will organise various programmes at their respective institutions, maintaining the social distancing and health guidelines.

Use of virtual platforms should get priority in holding Mourning Day programmes. 

In line with the national programmes, district and upazila administrations will draw up their respective programmes, including discussions and doa mahfils, marking the National Mourning Day maintaining the social distancing.

Use of virtual platforms should get priority in holding those programmes and government officials must join the programmes at district and upazila levels.     

District councils and municipalities will join the programmes to be organized by the district and upazila administrations while city corporations, municipalities and union parishads will also take programmes coinciding with the national programmes, maintaining social distancing, to observe the National Mourning Day with due respect at their respective institutions.

Bangladesh missions abroad will also hoist the national flag half-mast and organize discussions marking the day.

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