Strict measures being taken in EU countries to decrease coronary infections
Corona Update International Latest

Strict measures being taken in EU countries to decrease coronary infections

Strict measures have been taken to prevent epidemics in various European countries due to the increase in the spread of Covid-19. At the same time, the vaccination program has been strengthened—news from Xinhua.

According to a weekly report by the World Health Organization, 230 new corona cases have been reported in Europe every seven days. It is the highest in the world.

Experts say Europe is now the epicentre of the epidemic in the world. Outbreaks appear to be exacerbated during the early winter due to relaxation of coronary controls and inadequate vaccination.

The Robert Koch Institute, a German disease control agency, said that 52,970 people had been newly infected with Corona, and 201 had died in the country in a single day.

On Friday, Austria’s health ministry said that 15,809 people had been infected with Corona in a single day, the highest number since the onset of the epidemic.

In addition, coronavirus infections have recently increased in other European countries, including Britain, France, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, Greece, the Netherlands, and Ireland.

In this regard, the Austrian government has issued a nationwide lockdown from November 22 to control the epidemic on Friday. In addition, vaccination has been made compulsory.

The upper house of Germany’s parliament on Friday approved amendments to the Infection Protection Act. The law has been amended to control the epidemic.

The Netherlands has announced three weeks of strict measures against Corona. In addition, the corona vaccination program has been strengthened.

People in Italy, Greece, Hungary, Sweden, Croatia and Slovenia have also been called for vaccination.

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