Instructions to prevent dengue and chikungunya
Bangladesh Health & Lifestyle Latest

Instructions to prevent dengue and chikungunya

Outbreaks of dengue and chikungunya increase during the monsoon. So, we need to be more careful at this time. Dengue and Chikungunya viral fever, which is spread by Aedes mosquitoes. With general treatment, both diseases can be cured, but hemorrhagic dengue fever can be fatal. This disease can be prevented by preventing the growth of Aedes mosquitoes.

The Department of Health has instructed to follow some advice in preventing dengue and chikungunya. The matter was reported in an official statement on Monday.

The suggestions are:

1. Aedes mosquito larvae will die if water accumulated in any container or place in and around the house is discarded for three consecutive days.

2. In order to remove the mosquito eggs attached to the used pot, the pot should be cleaned by rubbing.

3. Remember that Aedes mosquitoes lay their eggs in flower tubs, plastic containers, discarded tires, plastic drums, earthenware pots, buckets, tin cans, coconut shells or coconut garlands, containers, pots, battery cells, etc.

4. Unused water containers should be destroyed or inverted so that water does not freeze.

5. Mosquito nets must be used while sleeping during the day or night.

6. In case of dengue and chikungunya, the nearest health center should be contacted immediately.

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