Sheikh Hasina is a friend of the poor: Momen
Bangladesh Latest

Sheikh Hasina is a friend of the poor: Momen

Foreign Minister. A. K. Abdul Momen said that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is a friend of the poor and always has her vision so that the common people and helpless mothers and sisters of our country do not suffer.

 He said the Prime Minister has taken up several programs as part of social security for the benefit of the poor. For example, old age allowance, freedom fighter allowance, widow allowance, maternity allowance. Dr. Momen said the amount of these allowances has also been increased now.

He was speaking as the chief guest at a function to distribute winter clothes among helpless people of 27 wards of the metropolis at noon on Sunday, January 1 at the premises of Sylhet City Corporation.

The Foreign Minister said that due to the personal initiative of the Prime Minister, it has become possible to provide various allowances to a large number of people under the social security program. In order to avoid any hardship to the poor people during the Covid-19 epidemic, more than 50 lakh people have been given Tk 2,500 in cash.

Eleven thousand winter clothes were distributed through the commissioners of 27 wards of the city under the chairmanship of Sylhet City Corporation Mayor Ariful Haque Chowdhury.

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