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Inzamam’s hat-trick of resignation threats

Inzamam-ul-Haq, the former captain of Pakistan’s cricket team and a prominent figure in Pakistani cricket, has been quite dissatisfied with various aspects of cricket in Pakistan. He has expressed his dissatisfaction, particularly with the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB), on multiple occasions.

Previously, Inzamam had issued a threat of resignation to the PCB during his time as the chief selector, which is a role responsible for selecting players for the national team. He had also threatened to resign from this position. Later on, he did resign from the position of chief selector, creating a kind of hat-trick in terms of his resignation threats.

Inzamam also expressed discontent when he was appointed as the coach of Pakistan’s junior cricket team. He had initially accepted the position on August 7 but threatened to resign once again within a month.

During his tenure as chief selector, Inzamam did not propose any contracts or agreements to the PCB regarding the Afghan series and the Asia Cup team selection. This disappointed him greatly, leading to his resignation threats. However, the PCB’s management committee stepped in to resolve the matter.

At one point, Inzamam demanded 25 lakh rupees for a three-year contract during his time as the chief selector. This demand did not sit well with the PCB.

Inzamam expressed dissatisfaction again during the Asia Cup matches in Lahore, particularly regarding the issue of players being denied No Objection Certificates (NOCs) to play in foreign leagues. He argued for his authority to grant these NOCs to players.

In summary, Inzamam-ul-Haq has been vocal about his dissatisfaction with various aspects of cricket administration in Pakistan, including issues related to his roles as chief selector and coach, as well as financial matters and player permissions to participate in foreign leagues. His multiple resignation threats reflect the ongoing challenges and tensions in Pakistani cricket management.

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