Bangladesh Latest

Summit Bought 2000 Towers of Banglalink

Summit Towers Limited, a company of Summit Communications, has bought two thousand towers of Banglalink, one of the country’s mobile operators. An agreement was signed between the two institutions on Wednesday.

According to the press release sent by Banglalink, under this agreement, Banglalink will transfer the ownership of 2000 towers to Summit Towers. This agreement was made under the tower-sharing policy of BTRC.

Banglalink says this joint venture with Summit Towers will reduce Banglalink’s network maintenance costs and ensure better service.

Regarding the agreement with Summit Towers, Kan Terzioglou, Group CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of Vion, the owner of Banglalink, said that Banglalink is ensuring proper use of the infrastructure. This agreement will ensure equitable utilization of resources in the country.

Banglalink CEO Eric Aus said this agreement with Summit Tower will help Banglalink focus more on digital services.

Chairman of Summit Communications Limited and Summit Towers Limited, Muhammad Farid Khan said, that through this strategic agreement, Banglalink and Summit have started a wider cooperation.

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