Afghan Civil War May Prolong: Former US Ambassador
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Afghan Civil War May Prolong: Former US Ambassador

The Taliban’s continued occupation of Afghanistan is expected to prolong the country’s civil war in the run-up to the withdrawal of US troops from the country. The former Washington ambassador to Kabul made the remarks on Sunday. News from AFP.

Militants have seized five provincial capitals since Friday in a fierce battle. They captured the capital about a month before the 20th anniversary of the September 11 attacks. And the 9/11 attacks centered on the US-led invasion of Afghanistan.

Ryan Crocker, a former US ambassador to Afghanistan, told ABC’s This Week that “the faster the Taliban take over the country, the more likely it is that the country’s civil war will be prolonged.” They are moving forward with a lot of courage in this case. However, they have not yet launched a major offensive in Kabul.

Referring to the Taliban, Crocker added, “What they are doing is creating an atmosphere of fear and panic. In this case, they are succeeding very well.

The withdrawal of foreign troops is expected to end by the end of this month. Crocker said in the current context of Afghanistan, there is no prospect of the United States withdrawing troops at this time.

“President Joe Biden has made that clear,” the diplomat said. We are leaving Afghanistan.

He acknowledged taking responsibility for withdrawing troops. And for this, an indelible mark has already been left on his leadership. ‘

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