International Latest Politics

Israel attacks on Gaza again

Twenty-five days after the ceasefire, Israel attacked Gaza again. Tel Aviv has announced air strikes targeting various Hamas installations since Wednesday morning. The exact number of casualties is not yet known. Sources: BBC and Al-Jazeera.

A device-laden gas balloon was sent from Gaza to southern Israel on Tuesday morning. The Israeli fire service said the balloons caused fires in several places. About 20 balloons were dropped on the Gaza border area.

The Israeli military says it launched the attack in Gaza in response to the sending of gas balloons. The latest Israeli attack targeted a specific part of the southern Gaza town of Khan Yunis, according to AFP. A Hamas spokesman also confirmed the Israeli airstrikes. The spokesman told Reuters that the Palestinians would continue to take the necessary steps to establish their rights in Jerusalem.

Note that Benjamin Netanyahu left last Sunday. However, no change in the situation is seen. Naftali Bennett, a Jewish leader, is showing his color right after coming to power.

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